News list for " kravchunovsky"

Chirp founder: AT & T should store data on the blockchain

Tim Kravchunovsky, founder of decentralized telecommunications network Chirp, believes that the data breach at multinational telecommunications company AT & T could have been avoided if it had stored its data on a blockchain. On July 12, AT & T said in a filing with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) that it learned from its investigation that the company had suffered a breach that could have endangered customer data. According to the documents, the attackers accessed and copied data store...

2024-07-16 15:52:24

去中心化电信网络Chirp创始人Tim Kravchunovsky认为,如果跨国电信公司AT&T将数据存储在区块链中,那么该公司的数据泄露或许可以避免。7月12日,AT&T在向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的文件中表示,它从调查中了解到,该公司遭受了可能危及客户数据的违规行为。 根据文件,攻击者访问并复制了存储在第三方云提供商...

2024-07-16 15:52:24